Dr. William Miller

The 2023 Richard Saitz Memorial Lecture registration is now open! We are pleased to welcome Dr. William Miller to present, “Going Upstream:  Addiction Care for the Masses.” 

Description: Although the vast majority of people with diagnosable substance use disorders will never receive specialist addiction treatment, most will recover.  Dr. Saitz was passionate about serving this at-risk population.  Drawing on his 50 years of research, Dr. Miller will discuss various ways of “going upstream” to intercede at earlier stages of problem development including (1) teaching moderation skills, (2) brief opportunistic interventions such as SBIRT, (3) motivational interviewing and a person-centered clinical style, and (4) providing behavioral health services within mainstream healthcare.   

Join us on May 3 at 8 pm ET

Register HERE


Dr. William R. Miller is Emeritus Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry at the University of New Mexico having served as Director of Clinical Training and as a Founder and Co-Director of the Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse and Addictions (CASAA).  His publications include 65 books and over 400 articles and chapters.  Fundamentally interested in the psychology of change, he introduced the method of motivational interviewing in 1983.  The Institute for Scientific Information has listed him among the world’s most cited scientists.


Richard Saitz, MD, MPH was a leader in the addiction treatment world and a friend of SMART Recovery. He was a keynote speaker at our 25th Anniversary Conference in 2019. You can read more about Dr. Saitz’s life and accomplishments here

05 May 2023

Dr. William Miller: “Going Upstream: Addiction Care for the Masses”

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[Podcast] Words Matter: Addiction Terminology, Accuracy, and Stigma

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The Driving Force Behind Addictive Behaviors

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