What is SMART Recovery?
SMART Recovery supports people in the United States, Canada, and all over the world to manage addictive and problematic behaviors.
Self Management and Recovery Training (SMART)
SMART Recovery is an evidenced-informed recovery method grounded in Rational Emotive Behavioral Therapy (REBT) and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), that supports people with substance dependencies or problem behaviors to:
- Build and maintain motivation
- Cope with urges and cravings
- Manage thoughts, feelings and behaviors
- Live a balanced life
Our Principles
Self-Management - People can manage their own behaviors
Mutual Support - There is great value in connecting with and learning from peers with similar experience
Choice - People choose their own goals, skills and tools.
Evidence Led - All our programs are based on scientific evidence and we encourage their on-going evaluation
Person Centred - People with lived experience are central in guiding what we do.
History of
SMART Recovery
SMART Recovery was established in 1994, here in the USA, to meet the increasing demand of those seeking a secular and evidence-informed alternative to the widespread 12-Step addiction recovery program.
Such was its popularity that SMART Recovery grew from 42 meetings at the beginning to more than 1,500 in North America alone today and now proliferating worldwide in 23 countries and counting.
SMART Recovery USA
SMART Recovery is a fresh approach to addiction recovery. SMART stands for Self-Management and Recovery Training. This is more than an acronym: it is a transformative method of moving from addictive substances and negative behaviors to a life of positive self-regard and willingness to change.
Learn more about SMART Recovery USA![What is SMART Recovery](https://smartrecovery.org/hubfs/raw_assets/public/sri-theme-us-copy/images/sra-img.jpg)