This message comes with sincere thanks to you for choosing to volunteer your time in support of SMART Recovery.
We ask that you please participate in our 2019 Annual Survey. Survey responses will help guide strategic planning and shape the future of SMART Recovery.
The survey will be open until February 29. Please respond to the survey only once.
Note: Survey responses will be shared and are meant to be anonymous. We recommend not providing sensitive information or answers which can identify the responder.
Thanks in advance for your participation and, again, for your contributions to SMART Recovery!
Help Us Gather More Feedback
To ensure that every voice in the SMART community has the chance to be heard, please:
- Share our survey with your meeting attendees: Take a moment at upcoming meetings to encourage attendees to complete the 2019 SMART Recovery annual survey. For face-to-face meetings, print and distribute these reminder cards to meeting participants.
- Share our survey on social media: Use this link (http://bit.ly/smart2019survey) to share the survey on your SMART social media accounts.