The SMART Recovery USA Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of seven new members. In their ongoing effort to grow and diversify, this brings the total to seventeen members.
Board President, Bill Greer says,
Not since SMART was founded more than a quarter-century ago, have we assembled a more talented and dedicated group of people to help lead our organization. They have the diverse skills and vision we need to innovate our services and extend SMART’s reach to every individual and family who needs our help.
The need for SMART Recovery has never been greater as the COVID pandemic has made an already daunting addiction epidemic even worse. Our community will meet these challenges more quickly and more effectively with this infusion of new leadership.
Welcome To:
Bobbe Baggio, PhD

Bobbe Baggio, PhD, has been involved with SMART Recovery since 2011 and has worked with SMART to develop training solutions globally. She has been the Chairperson of the General Training Committee for SMART Recovery International since 2017.
Since 2002, Bobbe has been CEO of Advantage Learning Technologies, Inc. She has held academic positions as the Associate Dean of Graduate Programs and Online Learning, Adjunct Faculty, Associate Provost and Graduate Program Director of the MS program in Instructional Technology Management.
Bobbe is an author, public speaker, strategic advisor, educator in instructional technologies and learning, and a learning and talent development consultant for a global and virtually connected workforce. Her expertise draws upon her experience as a Fortune 100 IT manager, 20 years of consulting experience, and her doctoral studies in instructional design for online learning. She believes in designing training based on research in instructional principles and that technologies are here to help everyone and enhance human performance. Her most recent article is AI and the Agile Workforce, published in Workplace Solutions Magazine, 2nd Quarter Ed., 2019.
DeSean Duncan, BA, CPRAS, LADC

DeSean Duncan has been in the recovery field for seven years. In long-term recovery, he was a peer and then became an assistant director at a recovery center in Roxbury, Massachusetts. He has shared his story with the Boston Herald and has had many speaking engagements.
DeSean was honored to work with the addictions medicine consultation team at Rhode Island Hospital, where he was the only non-clinical team member. He has served on the opioid task force for Beth Israel Hospital and has worked on Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker’s opioid workshop.
With his passion for recovery and offering recovery to underserved populations, DeSean has launched SMART Recovery meetings in inner cities.
Barry Grant

Barry A. Grant is the Outpatient Programs and Services Director at Hope House Treatment Centers in Crownsville, Maryland. Over the past 20 years, he has shared his knowledge of addiction recovery and reentry strategies with others based upon empirical knowledge and the early developmental stages of SMART’s program for correctional facilities InsideOut®.
Barry is an international facilitator of self-empowerment through natural recovery. His work has been recognized by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, along with U.S. and state Senators. His speaking engagements include the 2020 World Congress Opioid Management Summit and an introduction to SMART Recovery on Capitol Hill on behalf of the Secular Coalition of America.
Barry has previously served on the SMART Recovery Board of Directors and is a SMART facilitator/trainer and REBT in rehabilitation institutions, correctional facilities, and universities. He served as Program Manager with the New Jersey State Parole Board and the Parolee Aftercare Transitional Housing program.
Barry has a Master’s degree in Human Services, is a Maryland Board Approved Drug & Alcohol Supervisor, holding various certifications in addictions and chemical dependency counseling.
Dan Hostetler

Daniel Hostetler comes to us from the West Side of Chicago, where he directs Above and Beyond Family Recovery Center. This free outpatient behavioral harm-reduction addiction treatment center features SMART Recovery and SMART Family and Friends alongside six other self-help process groups.
Before this chapter in his life, Dan served as president of an international change management consulting firm and has resolved thousands of business dilemmas during his 24-year consulting career. With a master’s degree in Nonprofit Management, a Diplomate in Logotherapy (Viktor Frankl), a CADC, and a CODP I, Dan’s passion for lessening the impact of, up to and including the eradication of, harmful and unwanted addictions is unbounded.
David Koss, JD

David Koss, JD, earned his bachelor’s degree from the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor and his law degree from Georgetown University. He began his career as Legislative Director to a Michigan Congressman who served on the House Banking and Science & Technology Committees. In 1983-1984, he served on the staff of the Governor of Michigan in Lansing and Washington.
An attorney in private practice (and a member of the District of Columbia Bar), David has represented banks, investment companies, builders of affordable housing, and tenant advocates. His work has included securities filings, corporate mergers and acquisitions, and government affairs. More recently, serving as the SMART Recovery Director of Government Relations, he has educated numerous Congress members and their staff about SMART Recovery and our need to launch more meetings to help end the opioid and broader addiction epidemic.
David’s association with SMART Recovery began in 2015 when he became a meeting facilitator. He has served as Regional Coordinator for our Delaware-District of Columbia-Maryland region since 2017. David has led the growth of the SMART Recovery East Coast into a premier annual event bringing together participants, volunteers, professionals, addiction scientists, and public health officials.
David received the Joe Gerstein Award in 2019, recognizing his extensive volunteer work benefiting the SMART Recover community.
Ron Lott

Ron Lott majored in economics at the University of Houston after serving as a medic in the US Army. He spent the next 40 years as CEO of Lott Marketing, a sales and marketing agency in the foodservice industry. Ron has served on numerous boards of Fortune 500 food manufacturers, industry organizations, and private companies. After retiring in 2015, he began volunteering in the prison system for Bridges To Life. A year later, Ron found SMART Recovery and introduced our InsideOut: A SMART Recovery Correctional Program® to the Texas prison system, which has authorized this program’s use at all of its correction facilities. He co-authored, along with Charles True, Successful Life Skills, and has generously donated all proceeds from the book’s sales to SMART Recovery.
Ana Troncoso

Ana Troncoso attended Macalester College, where she majored in English and creative writing. Since then, she has gained 25 years of administrative and operational experience across the private and public sectors, and has maintained a strong focus on client service, policy development, and technology implementation.
Ana came to SMART Recovery in 2010, first as a participant and later as a volunteer, and has facilitated approximately 1,500 hours of SMART Recovery meetings. In 2011, she served a term as Arizona’s Regional Coordinator; more recently, she was named the greater Phoenix area’s Local Coordinator.
In 2012 Ana founded a small consulting practice, which shares REBT strategies with a broader audience, and in 2014 she became certified as an REBT coach. She also maintains a certification in Mental Health First Aid.
Ana’s pronouns are she/hers and ella/suya.