SMART Recovery for People Affected by the Addictive Behavior of a Loved One

Family & Friends HandbookAs anyone who has lived with the addiction of a loved one knows, the impact of addiction on other family members can be substantial, even severe. Family members, often overwhelmed by confusion, shame, guilt, fear or other powerful emotions, may have little sense of what to do or where to turn, particularly if they expect that their addicted family member has little or no interest in the 12-step approach.

As part of an ongoing project to provide support for concerned significant others, SMART Recovery (Self-Management and Recovery Training) provides weekly online meetings and message board support for people who have a loved one struggling with an addictive behavior. The meetings use a combination of SMART Recovery tools and CRAFT (Community Reinforcement and Family Training) concepts.

The Handbook, designed for people affected by the addictive behavior of a loved one is 138 pages and contains sections with a wide range of topics including: Change and Motivation, Positive Communication, Safety and Support, Healthy Boundaries, Disable the Enabling, Trust and Forgiveness – and much more.

Concerned significant others are invited to participate in SMART’s online activities for Family & Friends – the message board and the online meetings. Family & Friends participants regularly tout the helpfulness of the program.

“I came to SMART to get help dealing with my partner’s addiction. What I got are tools that help me deal more effectively with almost every aspect of MY life. And the online SMART community is a wonderful place to make friends and get support.”

SMART Recovery Family & Friends is a science-based, secular alternative to Al-Anon and Johnson Intervention. It uses methods based on the tools of SMART Recovery and CRAFT to provide resources and support for those who are affected by the addictions of a loved one.

The SMART Recovery Family & Friends Handbook can be ordered via the SMART Recovery Online Bookstore.

19 Mar 2019

“Help! I’m Losing My Mind!” – Tips for Family & Friends of Someone with an Addiction

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[Video] Facilitator Spotlight – Sandy Dickson
21 Dec 2021

[Video] Facilitator Spotlight – Sandy Dickson

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06 Mar 2020

[Video] SMART Recovery Meeting Facilitator Spotlight – Kathy Lang – Family & Friends

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