Stages of Change podcast

This week’s blog post is a ‘plug’ to listen to the excellent podcast with Dr. Carlo DiClemente about the stages of change, which can be found at:

Dr. DiClemente is co-creator of the the Stages of Change, or the transtheoretical model of behavior change (TTM), which is foundational to SMART’s approach to supporting people as they change with regard to addictive behavior. Dr. DiClemente is most widely known for his co-authorship of the self-help book, Changing for Good.

Dr. DiClemente’s career-long passion and dedication to create and research a functional, multidimensional and integrated care model for treating addictions has influenced the practice of providers from multiple disciplines. His thoughtful articles are highly cited in the field of addictive behavior. His pioneering views on motivation, mechanisms of change and natural recovery have transformed clinical practice and influenced research in psychology, health and mental health.

He has used stages and processes of change to understand how risk and protective factors influence initiation and recovery from addictions and created an innovative framework for linking prevention and treatment. In the podcast, he emphasizes that the locus of change lies within the individual’s personal processes, even while counselors, therapists, and facilitators may offer a variety of helpful methods and choices for healthy change.

Dr. Carlo DiClemente is currently University of Maryland, Baltimore County presidential research professor of psychology, Director of MDQuit, Tobacco Resource Center, the Center for Community Collaboration. For his work in the addictions, Dr. DiClemente was given the Innovators Combating Substance Abuse award by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the John P. McGovern Award from the American Society on Addiction Medicine (ASAM), and a Distinguished Contribution to Scientific Psychology award by the Maryland Psychological Association and the American Psychological Association Division on Addictions. He has served as president of the APA Division on Addictions (50) and is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association and the Association for Psychological Science. In 2007 he was named the first Lipitz Professor of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at UMBC, in 2011 he was named as Presidential Research Professor at UMBC. He serves on SMART Recovery’s International Advisory Board.

SMART Recovery was privileged to host this private presentation with Dr. Carlo DiClemente for professionals in mental health and addiction treatment, and we encourage you to check out this special podcast!

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A New Look at the Stages of Change

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