SMART Recovery’s Organizational Culture, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (OCDEI) Committee is looking for volunteers interested in joining their efforts. We have made strides over the past 18 months helping to lay the groundwork for continued improvement in our ability to serve everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or status as a veteran. The Committee has:

  • Helped to articulate our first set of organizational values in April 2022.

  • Launched our first employee and volunteer leader culture surveys to help the Board clearly understand how those stakeholders were experiencing SMART.

  • Hosted training for Board members, committee members, and employees.

  • Hosted a public webinar to discuss the need for BIPOC-specific SMART meetings.

  • Provided valuable input to the Executive Director and National Office Team on culture-related matters.

The OCDEI Committee is embarking on a process to develop a strategic plan to guide its efforts going forward through a process of appreciative inquiry with the help of an external facilitator. This six-month process will help us develop a plan for continuing to transform SMART’s culture into a truly inclusive one. For this process to be successful, the Committee is seeking more individuals from our community to join it for the next two years. The time commitment is estimated at approximately 3 hours per month.

If you can make that commitment and are interested in participating as a member of this Committee, please first review the OCDEI Committee Charter in its entirety.

Assuming that the charter is acceptable to you, then please fill out an application for membership by 12:00 noon EDT on Thursday, August 31.

Thank you in advance for considering this important role for our organization. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jasmine Hilbert at


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SMART Recovery® on Prince Edward Island (PEI)

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