SMART Recovery is pleased to announce its upcoming Summer 2018 special event webinar:

Can Medication Help Conquer Addiction? MAT for Opiates, Alcohol and More

Presented by Donald Sheeley, MD

Friday, June 8, 2018 – 8:00 PM EDT



SMART Recovery is based on maximizing our choices in life, and we don’t tell participants what they should choose. We offer SMART Tools, like the CBA, ABC, and HOV to help people think about how to live better.

So how do medications fit in with SMART?

If someone is addicted to opiates, is medication just trading one addiction for another? Isn’t it important to get them off the substitute medication as soon as possible, to end their addiction?

The opiate crisis is on everyone’s mind, and overdose deaths are now up to 65,000 annually.  We hear about doctors’ over-prescribing, we hear about drugstore pill mills, about big pharma pushing their meds, and we see news stories of famous folks like musician Prince collapsing and dying in his own home from overdose.  Shouldn’t we be doing everything possible to rectify all this? Why do some refuse to support the use of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT)?

Don Sheeley, MDSMART Recovery is thrilled that Dr. Sheeley, could join us to foster this conversation about the options now available to address opiate and alcohol use disorders.  Don is uniquely positioned to speak with us, as a long-time volunteer at SMART, an Emergency Room physician, and as a practitioner in his own practice, “ACT Smart New York.

Dr. Sheeley is a member of the Saratoga Springs Hospital Medical Staff, still working some Saturdays in the Psychiatric Crisis area of the Emergency Department, has 35 years’ experience in Emergency Medicine with a special interest in Psychiatry.  He was Board Certified in Internal Medicine in 1982 and in Emergency Medicine in 1988, 1998, and 2008.

Don’s contributions to SMART Recovery have been immense in his 8 years of service.  He has facilitated the SMART Recovery meeting in Saratoga Springs, NY since 2010 and has been a frequent contributor to SMART’s Blog, a voice for SMART excellence, and mentor to the facilitator community.  He was awarded the Joseph Gerstein Award for Exemplary Service to SMART Recovery in 2017, SMART’s highest honor.  As if that were not enough, Don is creator of our SMART Video, “For the Courts,” he composed and donated SMART’s musical theme, and he helped us turn our webinars into the beautiful SMART Recovery Podcast collection we have today, as editor and commentator.  His talents are stunning and varied.

We are pleased to continue our podcast series for 2018, as a FREE public service to all who are interested.  SMART represents a science-based approach to addiction recovery support, and we are pleased to welcome participants, volunteers, facilitators, friends, family, and the general public! We hope you can attend, and please help us spread the word to anyone who might be interested!

Registration Link:

Donald Sheeley, MD, ABIM, ABEM, ASAM, is currently principal of an outpatient practice for Addiction and ACT Psychotherapy in Saratoga Springs, NY, utilizing a unique combination of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and addiction counseling based on ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy).

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