SMART Recovery Handbooks
Our handbooks teach the tools and provide worksheets for people seeking support for themselves, and for those seeking support for a family member or friend.
Facilitator Training Courses
Best for people who want to start running their own SMART Recovery Meeting

SMART Recovery Handbook
$11.95 USD
($16.02 CAD)
For people who are seeking support for addiction or problematic behaviors. This is the primary handbook for SMART’s 4-Point Program.
Learn how to build & maintain motivation, cope with urges, manage thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
For all forms of addiction including alcohol, drugs, gambling, sex, etc.
Includes exercises and worksheets based on cognitive behavioural therapy.

SMART Family & Friends Handbook
11.95 USD
($16.02 CAD)
For people affected by the addictive behavior of someone close to them.
Improve communication and manage emotional upsets
Set healthy boundaries and develop support systems
Regain control and find your lifestyle balance

Successful Life Skills
$19.95 USD
($26.25 CAD)
Primarily for those transitioning from incarceration, but also a valuable addition to the 4-Point Handbook for everyone looking to use SMART to develop a healthy balanced life.
Focuses on solutions rather than labels or diagnoses
The easiest, most targeted and user-friendly treatment tool available today
Can be used in either facilitator-led or participant-led groups