SMART Recovery USA Blog

[FREE QUIZ] Reflecting on the Holiday Season: Do I Have Unhealthy Drinking Habits?

Written by Admin | 4 Jan 2019

A guest blog provided by CheckUp & Choices.

With the holiday season just behind us, fresh in our minds are memories of the parties, planning and stress that often come with the season. Unfortunately for some, the season often brings more opportunities and unwanted pressures to drink. Indeed, the season which has become synonymous with drinking is associated with significantly higher drinking compared to non-holiday weekends, according to researchers Vladyslav Kushnir and John Cunningham who published a paper on the topic.

Whether drinking as a coping mechanism or to celebrate many reflecting on the holiday season may ask themselves, “Do I have unhealthy drinking habits”? If you personally don’t fall into this category, you may be wondering the same thing about someone you love. Now, in the spirit of resolutions and fresh starts, is a great time for individuals and families to consider their alcohol use and make informed decisions about what changes, if any, to make.

We want to help. Use this helpful 10-question quiz to gauge your alcohol use.

Important Details About Your Score

Regardless of your score on the AUDIT, people can have widely varying levels of interest in changing their drinking. How much a person wants to change can even vary from day to day. One thing we know for sure, your ability to change depends on your will to change. So, once you have your score, stop for a moment and seriously ask yourself: how ready am I to change my drinking? If the answer is yes, CheckUp & Choices is here to help.

About CheckUp & Choices

CheckUp & Choices is a confidential self-led online program that has been clinically proven to help SMART Recovery participants. The “CheckUp” includes a comprehensive alcohol self-assessment. The “Choices” programs include 12+ weeks of ongoing motivational exercises, drink, mood and urge trackers, guided emails and change plans. With Checkup & Choices, you are never labeled and you will be treated with respect and without judgment. Get started with CheckUp & Choices today.

About SMART Recovery USA

SMART Recovery’s 4-Point Program® helps people recover from all types of addictive behaviors, including: alcohol addiction, drug abuse, substance abuse, drug addiction, alcohol abuse, gambling addiction, cocaine addiction, and addiction to other substances and activities.

SMART Recovery offers face-to-face meetings around the world, and daily online meetings. In addition, our online message board and 24/7 chat room provide forums to learn about SMART Recovery and obtain addiction recovery support.

For more information, please visit