SMART Recovery USA Blog

Tracking Your Progress With SMART Recovery

Written by Admin | 5 Jul 2011

The SMART Recovery Activities Scale (SRAS)
by Julie Myers, Psy.D. and Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.

The SMART Recovery® Activities Scale (SRAS) is a new tool to help those engaged with SMART Recovery®. The SRAS was developed by Julie Myers, Psy.D.1 and Donald Meichenbaum, Ph.D.2 The SRAS is designed to be used by participants to assess how far they have come in their own addiction recovery. A separate version is available for use by facilitators and by professional therapists/counselors with their clients.

Professionals may wish to use the SRAS in order to:

1. Assess what SMART Recovery activities clients have already engaged in and what SMART Recovery beliefs they have embraced.

2. Assess the reasons why clients have, or have not, engaged in these activities (possible barriers, lack of motivation, confidence, or skills) and how these obstacles can be addressed.

3. Engage would-be participants to join SMART Recovery and treatment, highlighting what new members may get out of some form of treatment

The SRAS for participants is available on-line in an easy-to-use PDF format, which can be filled-out on-line or can be saved and printed. Download The SRAS For Participants

The SRAS for therapists/facilitators containing additional instructions: Download SRAS for Therapists & Facilitators.

Dr. Meichenbaum and Dr. Myers are seeking feedback about your experience with the SRAS. Your feedback is greatly appreciated, as it will help to refine the scale and help develop other SMART Recovery® materials that will have wide distribution throughout the world. Please direct your e-mail to

1 Dr. Myers is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in San Diego, California

2 Dr. Meichenbaum is one of the founders of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy